Developing workplace practice of 

Registered Nurse Students

Different courses/programs of study are on offer to prepare nurses for registration. Depending on individual circumstances study may be undergraduate, postgraduate or re-entry. The Tools and Resources, available below, namely, the Scoring Sheet, Behavioural Cues and Assessment Manual are appropriate for use in workplace performance review and assessment across all types of study.

Supervisors  are responsible for guiding student practice, assisting the student to determine goals, assessing workplace performance and providing meaningful feedback.  

An introduction to the ANSAT 

An introduction to the ANSAT .mp4

ANSAT Resource Manual 

ANSAT Resource Manual for RNs_2018.pdf

Behavioural Cues

Behavioural Cues_ANSAT_190617.pdf

ANSAT Formative 

ANSAT Formative_alternate.pdf

ANSAT Summative 

ANSAT Summative_190617.pdf

Students  need to take the lead in their learning, determining their goals, seek and respond to feedback and reach their desired outcomes.